Hello again.
Monday I hit my two month mark. I now only have 50 days until I venture back home. I will get home just in time for Christmas, and Star Wars. I cannot honestly say which I am more excited for. New Star Wars film or Christmas? Just kidding! I am more excited to see my family! Especially my new niece that everyone else has met and enjoyed except me.
As it has come closer to the holiday season (Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas) I have realized that there are a lot of little things that you completely take for granted and don't really even think about.
For example, Halloween decorations in stores before August is over and Christmas decorations in stores before Halloween has even come and gone. It seems silly but knowing that there will not be one early Christmas themed anything is a bit depressing. It further sets in the fact that I am indeed missing a good majority of the Christmas season.
Never fear! I have compensated by listening to my favourite Christmas music. It has not only kept me sane on the days that I have wanted to come home but it has made me feel like some thing will be the same during the Christmas rush that I will be missing.
Hocus Pocus is another little thing that I really took for granted and forgot to even think about! I have hence declared that November cannot start until Bryn and I have watched Hocus Pocus. If it does not happen before the 31st (due to the crazy amounts of decorating we are doing for this Friday) I will not accept it as November until I have watched it. Tradition simply cannot be overlooked.
Other little things matter too.
The fact that my roommate is almost as OCD as me and understands my weird obsession with having a clean room is a huge blessing and I know I could not have made it for four months without that.
The fact that even though she cannot speak any English, Auntie Spring Flower says "hello" to us every time she sees us is simply wonderful. How I wish I could talk to her!
The fact that Frank (one of students who is occasionally prone to bad behavior) was good all day today and did not lose any of his "stars" is amazing! Also the fact that, of his own free will, he gave me a hug today at the beginning of class is something that I will always remember and cherish. He is such a sweet boy!
My mom coming in to tuck me in to bed at night is something that I also have taken for granted. I really miss my mom and dad and the clean house that my mom keeps.
Playing video games or watching parts of an episode of Star Trek with my dad is something I also miss. The other girls here simply don't understand why I love nerdy things like that.
Having a shower that is separate from my toilet is also something I miss. It's the little things like not having to worry about accidentally stepping into the squatter or dropping your razor (or toothbrush) into it while you are showering.
I've decided that life is made up of a million little things that when happening may seem insignificant but when pulled together create something wondrous that we call life.
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